
Dreams are powerful tools that can help guide anyone to success and happiness. They represent some cherished aspiration, an ultimate ideal of achievement.

The word sylvan refers most directly to a setting associated with the woods. Reflecting on the vigorous life that abounds in sylvan settings is a very powerful force in my life. For me, this word evokes feelings of transcendence, clarity, and unity.

A Sylvan Dream is a dynamic compilation of my life dream. It is an attempt to seek out and document the truth, beauty, and clarity that exists in this world.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Building Bikes

My new fixed gear bike that I made at Community Cycles:

This was built from an old Nishiki frame I picked up in the planning process. Everything else for this project, excepting the bar end brake, was obtained from and assembled at Community Cycles.

I ground down the red frame using a hand grinder, first with a wire brush, then with a polishing disk, and the way it finally shined made me sing through my dust mask.

I used a dremel tool to draw in a mountain range across the top tube. After all, they are at the heart of the reason I am living here in the first place.

After that, I taped off the tubes, so I could paint the lugwork. After the lugwork was painted green, I clear coated the whole frame several times before assembling the whole bike.

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