
Dreams are powerful tools that can help guide anyone to success and happiness. They represent some cherished aspiration, an ultimate ideal of achievement.

The word sylvan refers most directly to a setting associated with the woods. Reflecting on the vigorous life that abounds in sylvan settings is a very powerful force in my life. For me, this word evokes feelings of transcendence, clarity, and unity.

A Sylvan Dream is a dynamic compilation of my life dream. It is an attempt to seek out and document the truth, beauty, and clarity that exists in this world.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Hotel de Patio

Bienvenido de Hotel de Patio, en Miraflores, Lima, Peru.

A low marine layer hangs over Lima right now, just a few minutes past midnight, (which is equal to central time zone, US) reminding me of the night I spent in San Francisco over a year ago now. There is an abundance of new smells in the humid air, ranging from sweet colognes of taxi drivers in the airport, to a tinge of sewer in the hotel room. That being said, the room itself is probably 100% better than what I expected, or what I would have ended up staying in left to my own devices. There are two beds! It may be time for a party, who knows. I immediately realize in conversation that I am ready to begin pushing myself to use Spanish, and will do alright for someone who knows almost nothing. There are some people I can understand perfectly, and others I can understand nothing at all.

As for now, I leave you with a view from my hotel room, for it is time to sleep.


Patrick Burke said...

Awesome, Will! Have fun studying birds and learning Spanish!

Sara said...

What a view! That is absolutely beautiful. How's the permit process going - still in Lima or have you flown the city limits to explore more?

Keep posting!